The True Book Addict

An avid reader, since early childhood, and book collector, my home library numbers at over 3000 books, with fiction at 2000+. I'm a used book/library sale junkie! A major history buff, I have a great passion for historical fiction. I'm also a major fan of the horror and fantasy genres, but you will often find me reading just about anything, except perhaps erotica or books strong on romance.

Jane Austen
currently reading
David Mitchell
Stephen King
Stephen King, Ned Dameron
Barbara Kingsolver
currently reading
Cassandra Clare
Stephen King
currently reading
Robert Parry

Currently reading

Northanger Abbey
Jane Austen
Cloud Atlas
David Mitchell
Progress: 185/514 pages
Stephen King
The Waste Lands
Stephen King, Ned Dameron
The Poisonwood Bible
Barbara Kingsolver
City of Bones
Cassandra Clare
Progress: 87/485 pages
Under the Dome
Stephen King
The Arrow Chest
Robert Parry
Progress: 83/342 pages
The Historian